
There are many ways you can raise funds to support Dementia Alliance of North Carolina!

Fundraise Individually

You can make an immediate impact on Dementia Alliance’s ability to fund programs! You could start a social media fundraising drive by asking 10 friends to donate $10 each, ask people to support your participation in a marathon, or ask for support in honor or memory of a loved one.

Organize a Community Event

Many community members organize events to benefit Dementia Alliance of North Carolina such as fundraising walks, bake sales, barbeques, silent auctions, school fundraising drives, company casual days, cocktail parties and more!  Turn your passion, or the passion of the person you are honoring, into an event! Get started by brainstorming ideas, exploring our current events, or by contacting to discuss your ideas!

Join a Fundraising Team

Our communities stand as the foundation of our organization! Our community driven, event teams expand from sponsored bike rides, fashion shows, and galas to educational seminars and walks or runs. All events are exciting opportunities for fellowship, support and collaboration, sharing one defining attribute, the chance to build a better future without dementia!

Fundraising teams work together to meet their goal by reaching out to social networks, personal friends and family members. This activity increases DA-NC’s ability to discover new donors and build deeper connections within the community. Teams are encouraged to be creative and share their personalized campaign website which uses real-time metrics to track fundraising success!

To join a team, simply click on the button associated with one of the individual events listed on our events calendar, register, and join an existing team.