The Power of Sharing Your Story
DA-NC invites you to share your story with us by submitting a video or blog post for publication on our social media channels, email blasts, and website!
Why is it important to share?
- For many individuals, sharing experiences can be an active part of healing. Research shows that expressing your emotions through writing can lead to emotional relief. We encourage you to share your journey through dementia with us.
- Adding your story to our collection may help someone who is new to dementia or caregiving feel more supported in their journey.
If submitting a written blog post, just start writing! We can always edit later!
- Think of specific questions to help you get started!
- Where does your journey begin?
- What was the biggest challenge you faced?
- What are some of the things you learned from your experience with dementia?
- How has DA-NC helped you to fight dementia in your life?
- You can hide identifying details and names in order to protect you and your loved one’s privacy. We can always post your blog anonymously.
If speaking about your journey aloud feels more natural, please feel free to submit a video (vlog)! We would love to share your video testimony with our viewers.
- If using a phone to record your video, hold phone horizontally and make sure there is a lamp or natural light in front of you (facing towards a window) for best picture. Turn off background audio (radio/TV) so it is easier to hear your voice.
When you are ready, submit your story at with the subject line: DA-NC Blog, Last Name. A member of the DA-NC team will contact you with more details.