Support Group Facilitator Resources

Leading a dementia support group is both challenging and rewarding. Balancing individual needs with group interests can be tough due to the diversity of the members, but it also offers a chance to foster coping skills, build support networks, and form meaningful friendships. Through education, mutual support, shared experiences, and friendships, people find the strength to navigate dementia together, realizing they are not alone.

Dementia Alliance values you as a crucial team member and community contributor. You offer a unique opportunity for participants to connect with others who understand their experiences. Thank you for assisting us in fulfilling our mission of improving the lives of North Carolinians affected by dementia and empowering their caregivers through support, education, and research. Your collaboration enables us to provide extensive personalized support throughout the dementia journey, based on our CARE foundation: Comfort, Assistance, Resources, and Education.

Below are resources to assist you as a facilitator:

Frequently Asked Questions

Members oversharing

Members who are stuck

Members who are angry

The “know it all” member

Not knowing answers

Silence in your group

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for access to more educational videos

To view the current Dementia Alliance of North Carolina Support Group Listing, click here.

If you have changes to an existing group or want to share information about a new group, complete this form.

Commonly Used Materials

Caring for the Caregiver
8 page booklet focused on self-care for caregivers

Is There a Problem?

8 page booklet comparing dementia to normal aging

What Now … Navigating a Dementia Diagnosis

8 page booklet for those newly diagnosed with dementia.

Ten Absolutes

2 sided information card

Connect Card

Pocket sized card with helpful tips

Branding Resources
Certified Dementia Alliance Support Group Leaders are encouraged to use branded materials when sharing news and events with the public online and offline. Below are several logos for use in social and media communications. Please click here for Brand Standards document with more information on logo use.

For logos suitable for printing, contact

Certified Support Group Leader Logo
Click here to download logo

Click here to download vertical logo

Click here to download horizontal logo

Are you a member of the Dementia Alliance of North Carolina Support Group Facilitators Facebook page?

This Facebook group is for facilitators who have been trained by the Dementia Alliance of North Carolina. The forum is designed to allow facilitators the opportunity to learn and offer support to each other.

Click here to request to join the group!